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Summa S Class 2 140 Roll Up System w/ Service

Original price $1,590.00 - Original price $1,590.00
Original price
$1,590.00 - $1,590.00
Current price $1,590.00

Summa S Class 2 140 Roll Up System w/ Service

Roll-up system for S140 with one pair of core holders (not compatible with Media Rack) - includes phone support, remote support (teamviewer, etc.) and 2 year warranty part replacement via depot service if necessary. (Depot service includes 1 way freight only)

A servo-powered roll-up system for S2 140

After a job is finished, the system will roll up the artwork neatly and prepare the machine for the next unattended job. The integrated paneling feature splits long-length runs into shorter consecutive jobs, allowing to cut complete rolls unattended and deliver the output nicely rolled-up.
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