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Summa 36° Vinyl Cutter Drag Knife Blade, 5-Pack

Original price $148.50 - Original price $148.50
Original price
$148.50 - $148.50
Current price $148.50


Official Summa 36° Standard Drag Knife Blades, Vinyl Cutter Plotter Blades, 5-Pack (OEM - Manufacturer Recommended Part

High-Quality Genuine Summa 36° drag knife blades for cutting basic media and vinyl materials. Fits most Summa vinyl cutters and plotters.

Crafted from Tungsten Carbide, our genuine Summa replacement drag knife blades hold a sharp edge between 10 and 50 X longer than cheaper steel blades.


  • High-quality official Summa cutter drag knife blades
  • Pack of 5 blades
  • Cuts material up to .010″ (.25mm) thick
  • Part Number: 9TL89-67041 (previously 391-360)
  • Official Summa drag knife blades
Official Summa Drag Knife Blades

Compatible Blade Holder:

Summa Standard Drag Knife Blade Holder (part number: 9TL89-67033 (previously 391-332))

*ATTENTION - Using drag blades with a Summa T Series cutter requires the Summa T Series Drag Blade Holder (part number: 395-323). The cutter must also be placed into Drag Mode.

Compatible Equipment:

Summa F Series Flatbed Cutters
Summa DC3/DC4/DC5 Printer Cutters
Summa S2 Series Vinyl Cutters
Summa S Class Vinyl Cutters
SummaCut Series Vinyl Cutters
SummaSign/SummaSign Pro D Series Vinyl Cutters

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