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OCE 360

Original price $6,999.99 - Original price $6,999.99
Original price
$6,999.99 - $6,999.99
Current price $6,999.99




With instant printing, full cloud integration and ClearConnect multi-touch panel access, the Océ PlotWave 360 is the ideal all-in-one large format B&W plotter for project drawings and technical documents.


  • Easy ClearConnect multi-touch operation
  • Full cloud integration
  • Up to 6 A1 plots per minute
  • Instant start-up and print with Océ Radiant Fusing
  • Colour scanning
  • Reliable 600 x 1200 dpi B&W printing
  • Efficient folding & document delivery
  • Energy efficient

Detailed Features

Take a more detailed look into the Océ PlotWave 360

Multi-touch user access

Operation is as easy as using a tablet thanks to the Océ ClearConnect multi-touch user panel. Crisp and clear it allows you to effortlessly pan, zoom, swipe, spread and more. Pull up a document, zoom and pan to different areas - even preview live while scanning or copying to avoid errors.

Full cloud integration

Wherever documents reside, you and your project team are always able to share and work with them. Print from and scan to a cloud, mobile phone, tablet, USB flash drive or your network. 

High-speed instant printing

The Océ PlotWave 360 prints at a productive 6 A1 plots per minute - making it ideal for all your project drawings and technical documents. And thanks to Océ Radiant Fusing technology, there is virtually no warm-up time. This means your first print is in-hand in just 34 seconds – unlike the typical 4 minutes or so associated with traditional B&W toner plotters.

Colour scanning

Océ Colour Image Logic® is incorporated which ensures dependable, high quality scans every time - automatically compensating for wrinkles and light colours. Originals are inserted face-up and the paper width is automatically detected.

Reliable, high quality performance

With a robust construction, count on high quality prints over the system’s lifetime with high resolution 600 x 1200 dpi. The powerful Océ PowerM® embedded controller ensures that jobs are processed at speeds in-line with the plotter – so even complex files never leave you waiting around.

Practical and time-saving

For simplicity, rolls are placed on the built-in roll loading station, fed into the printer and automatically cut and sized. When printing, up to 75 A0-size plots can be collated and neatly stacked in the top delivery tray, completely separate from the original tray. And to help keep your desk free from clutter, folding options are available to make plan sizes more manageable.

Energy efficient

The Océ Radiant Fusing technology means the plotter only heats up when printing. When idle it remains cold, consuming almost zero energy. It is also virtually ozone free and extremely quiet, allowing it to fit comfortably into office workgroups.

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