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Email:    Phone and WhatsApp Number: +1 (214) 727-6289.
Please email whenever possible to make the process quicker and easier for everyone.

HP DesignJet T2500 36-in eMFP Printer - Refurbished (1, 2, 3 or 4 Years Warranty)

Original price $1,999.99 - Original price $2,999.00
Original price
$1,999.99 - $2,999.00
Current price $1,999.99

Business Financing Available

* Refurbished printers doesn't come with starter supplies, those are sold separately

CR358A HP DesignJet T2500 36-in eMultifunction Printer A trusted choice for demanding professionals. Empower CAD and GIS professionals with a single, reliable, large-format printer. Original HP Vivera inks enable impressive detail and accuracy, while convenient technical and manageability features enable workteams to print with confidence.

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