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HP 873 3-Liter Light Cyan Ink Cartridge for Latex 800, 800W - 4UV88A

Original price $327.00 - Original price $327.00
Original price
$327.00 - $327.00
Current price $327.00


Achieve amazing colors on a broad range of coated and uncoated media, with the vibrant HP Latex Ink color gamut, the whitest white, and no smell. Sharpen your sustainability edge with water-based inks and help win new clients on eco standards.

Achieve amazing colors, in durable prints

Get HP Latex image quality, with a strong, vibrant color gamut.

Maintain high productivity

Finish, laminate, ship, or display right away—prints come off the printer completely dry.

Sharpen your sustainability edge with HP Latex

Innovative water-based HP Latex Inks—no HAPs, no required hazard warning labels, and odorless prints.

ECO highlights:

  • Inks do not use reactive monomer chemistry, are ozone-free, and meet the ZDHC standard
  • Can win new business with odorless prints, UL ECOLOGO®/UL GREENGUARD Gold Certified ink, and more
  • High-volume 3-liter HP Eco-Carton ink cartridges—carton-based design significantly reduces plastic

Technical Specifications

Product subgroup

Standard Capacity Ink Cartridges

Color(s) of printing supplies

Light cyan



Ink types


Print cartridge volume delivered

3 liters

Print technology

HP Thermal Inkjet

Case or master carton dimensions (W x D x H)

192 x 162 x 173 mm

Package dimensions (W x D x H)

192 x 162 x 173 mm


3226 g

Package weight

3226 g