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Experts on Printing Quality

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HP 821 400ml Latex Optimizer Ink Cartridge for Latex 110, 115 Printers - G0Y92A

Original price $123.00 - Original price $123.00
Original price
$123.00 - $123.00
Current price $123.00


Produce amazing, quality results across an unlimited range of applications—even on uncoated media—with 400-ml HP Latex Ink cartridges. With water-based HP Latex Inks, you can build a healthier workplace.

Produce professional, high-resolution prints. Achieve sharp, consistent results across a wide media range. Offer outdoor display permanence up to 5 years laminated, 3 years unlaminated.

HP Latex Inks are formulated to achieve consistent, reliable results. Help gain savings by producing quality results even on low-cost uncoated substrates. Keep production moving—prints come out completely dry and ready to use.

Water-based HP Latex Inks enable a healthier workplace. Odorless prints reach more indoor spaces. No special ventilation is required. Help gain business—HP Latex Inks meet high market standards, like UL GREENGUARD GOLD Certification.

Ideal for: 

High-quality, outdoor and indoor large-format applications including stickers/decals, banners, interior décor, posters.

Printer Compatibility

  • HP Latex 110
  • HP Latex 115