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HP 81 Light Cyan DesignJet Dye Printhead and Printhead Cleaner for HP DesignJet 5000, 5500 - C4954A

Original price $394.00 - Original price $394.00
Original price
$394.00 - $394.00
Current price $394.00


HP 81 Dye Printheads produce color-rich images on a variety of media. Long-life printheads work with HP Designjet printers for fast, reliable, cost-effective operation. Smart printing technology monitors printhead performance to optimize results.

Works with:

Designed for HP Designjet 5500, 5500ps, 5000 and 5000ps printers. Advanced large-format printhead technology, ink cartridge technology and proprietary ink formulations ensure consistent print quality. HP-engineered to work as a modular ink system with HP 81 Dye Ink Cartridges. Extra-wide HP 81 UV Printhead features HP Jetexpress technology for unrivaled print speeds.

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