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Epson SureColor Multifunction Module (SureColor T5270 and T5270D Printers Only)

Original price $4,824.00 - Original price $4,824.00
Original price
$4,824.00 - $4,824.00
Current price $4,824.00

Epson SureColor Multifunction Module (SureColor T5270 and T5270D Printers Only)

The SureColor Multifunction module adds high-speed Copy, Scan and share capabilities to the SureColor T5270 and T5270D printers. Images are enhanced with Epson's REALOID image processing technology. The module includes a 36" wide color scanner, mounting hardware for the SureColor T5270 / T5270D, and a 320GB Internal Print Server.


  • Epson SureColor T5270 Single Roll Edition Printer
  • Epson SureColor T5270D Dual Roll Edition Printer
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