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3 Die Hand Press Grommet Hole Punch Machine 500Pcs Grommets & Eyelet Set

Original price $59.99 - Original price $59.99
Original price
$59.99 - $59.99
Current price $59.99

3 Die Grommet Press Machine with 1500 Grommets


  • Three ( #0, #2, #4) die sized 1/4", 2/5", 1/2"} 

  • No need to pre-punch holes

  • Made of cast iron, built to last

  • Lever mechanism as simple to use as a stapler

  • 1500 Grommets included (500 #0, 500 #2, 500 #4) Note: A separate punch is needed(not included)

This practical Grommet Machine is very essential equipment for Dress Makers, Arts & Crafts, Sign Shops & Manufacturers, etc.

Used as punch machine, eyelet machine, snap fastener machine, rivet machine just install with the die in suitable size.

Made of cast iron, built to last

Lever mechanism as simple to use as a stapler.


Material: Iron

Dimension: 10.6 x 3.3 x 14'' (LxWxH)

Hole Size of Grommets: 1/4" , 2/5'', 1/2" Base Size: 6.7 x 3.3'' (LxW)

Dies Type: #0: 1/4", #2: 2/5'', #4: 1/2"

Grommets Quantity: 1500 PCS (500 PCS/ Each Size)

Handle Bar: 12.2'' (L)


For Banners, Signs, Awnings, Posters, Curtains, Digital Printing, Corsets, Belts, Bags, Shoes and the like.


1500 Grommets included (500 #0, 500 #2, 500 #4)

With upgraded grommets, it ensures much easier placement of the grommets and more compact joint between grommets and raw material!

The period of using a hammer for manual grommets does not exist any more! Applying grommets has become easier than ever.

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