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28" Vinyl Sign Sticker Cutter Plotter with Contour Cut Function Machine

Save $77.00 Save $77.00
Original price $599.99
Original price $599.99 - Original price $599.99
Original price $599.99
Current price $522.99
$522.99 - $522.99
Current price $522.99

WinPCSign plotting software (Match training CD)

Support CorelDraw output directly (But you need to buy a soft dog)

This vinyl cutting plotter has a contour cutting function and is used to cut all kinds of pictures, letters, and similar materials on self-adhesive vinyl, sticker. It is made in China and comes with one year warranty.

• Low cost and high performance machine for the manufacture of signaling.
• Controlled by RISC high-speed processor, a high speed cache.
• Unique soft impact cutter for smooth cutting.
• This cutting plotter adopts the latest numerical technology, which creates a new concept of cutting.
• It can regulate the pressure and speed numerically at real-time, which is very convenient and can be achieved fast.
• It has a perfect output: there's no saw tooth even when using high speed.
• It supports CorelDraw files,  bringing great convenience to work.
• The cutting plotter is highly stable and has nearly no malfunctions.
• It has a stylish design and very solid support. It doesn't shake while cutting.
• The cutting plotter has LCD with a very accurate and simple English Menu, operated it by pressing buttons.
• The plotter’s pinch rollers are adjustable, so the paper stays in place when using rolls of media.

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