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Please email whenever possible to make the process quicker and easier for everyone.

HP Designjet T2300MFP 44" (CN727A) - Recertified + 2 Years Warranty

Original price $1,999.99 - Original price $1,999.99
Original price
$1,999.99 - $1,999.99
Current price $1,999.99

The first-ever Web-ready printing system with MFP benefits, the HP Designjet T2300 eMFP makes it easier than ever to perform effectively. Print drawings wherever the job takes you-in the office, with the client, at the site. Collaborate with partners and contractors with simplified sharing thanks to HP ePrint & Share. And focus more on your clients and drawings and less on printing with a device that is incredibly intuitive, simple to maintain, and easily upgradeable in the future.

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