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Experts on Printing Quality

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HP 871A 3-Liter Light Cyan Latex Ink Cartridge for Latex 370, 570 - G0Y83D

Original price $489.00 - Original price $489.00
Original price
$489.00 - $489.00
Current price $489.00


Formulated to optimize printhead performance and achieve consistent results at high speeds, HP 871A Latex inks are a large volume cartridge solution that increase production efficiency. These water-based inks help create a healthier work environment while still producing high image quality and consistent results.

Key Features

  • 3L water-based latex Ink cartridges
  • Prints come out dry & ready to finish
  • Scratch-resistance comparable to hard solvent inks
  • No special ventilation required



HP Latex 370 Printer, HP Latex 360 Printer (with G2W18A—HP 871 3-liter Latex Upgrade Kit); HP Latex 570 Printer

Color(s) of printing supplies

Light cyan



Ink drop

12 pl

Ink types


Print cartridge volume delivered

3 liters

Print technology

HP Thermal Inkjet

Print Resolution Technologies

TIJ 4.0

Printing Material Shelf Life

18 months

Operating humidity range

20 to 80% RH

Operating temperature range

59 to 86ºF

Operating temperature range

15 to 30ºC

Non-Operating Humidity Range

5 to 95% RH

Storage temperature range

41 to 104°F

Storage temperature range

5 to 40°C

Case or master carton dimensions (W x D x H)

208 x 175 x 213 mm

Package dimensions (W x D x H)

195 x 163 x 182 mm

Package weight

3.34 kg

What's in the box

Ink cartridge