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6 Color 6 Station Silk Screen Printing Press Machine with Micro Registration

Original price $1,387.00 - Original price $1,387.00
Original price
$1,387.00 - $1,387.00
Current price $1,387.00

6 Color 6 Station Silk Screen Printing Press Machine with Micro Registration

The machine is 6 color 6 station screen printing machine,suitable for one or two people to use.Users just need to stand in one platen station to work,platen station and frame can rotate in 360 degree to station location,it don't need the operator move to work.
Mainly used for T-shirt printing, also printed cloth and other products.Optional flash dryer, and the dryer place in the upside of printing station’s platen,drying the surface of material after printing for 3-5 seconds,then printing the next color,improve the work efficiency,two people operate(one people printing,one people place the T-shirt and drying platen,Fold the printed T-shirts)Printed four-color T shirt 200-250 pieces per hour.

Color: 6 color
Station: 6 station
Platen size: 17.7" x 21.6"(55 x 45cm)
Max frame size: 20" x 24" (50 x 60 cm)
Max image size: 15.7"x 20"(40 x 50 cm)
Machine diameter: 86.6 "/220 cm

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