*HP Designjet ideal for everyday CAD and business printing*
Electronics Module failure.
Requires Service Engineer
01:12 Warning/Error Code
Electronics Module Error. Warning information indicates:- Electronics Module failed during the firmware upgrade OR the Electronics Module failed during initialization.
The Electronics Module EEPROM is flagged as empty and must be upgraded with the contents of the Carriage EEPROM, but the Carriage is also flagged as empty. The backup is not performed. This is the result of an error during the manufacturing or the repair process. Therefore the Electronics Module must be reconfigured. Call service engineer
Carriage failure.
Call service engineer
Generic Firmware Error (Network Card).
Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared.
If the error code continues Requires a Service Engineer
Problem with the Front Panel/Front Panel cannot be detected.
• Switch the Power OFF from the back of the Printer and disconnect the Power cord. Reconnect the power cord and power ON the Printer.
• If the System Error continues requires a Service Engineer.
Trailing Cable does not seem to be detected.
Try the following:
- Switch the Power OFF from the back of the Printer and disconnect the Power cord.
- Check that the Trailing Cable is not damaged.
- Reconnect the power cord and power ON the Printer.
If problem continues - requires Service Engineer.
Trailing Cable is badly connected.
Requires Service Engineer.
1:11 Warning
The Electronics Module is incorrectly positioned
Call service engineer to reseat module
Service Station failure.
Requires a Service Engineer.
Ink Supply Station failure.
Requires Service Engineer
270:00 Warning
Black Color Calibration Failure - Black Color Calibration cancelled.
Try the following: Clean the electrical contacts on the black printhead. If the error code continues, replace the black printhead.
271:00 Warning
Cyan Color Calibration Failure - Cyan Color Calibration cancelled.
Try the following: Clean the electrical contacts on the cyan printhead. If the error code continues, replace the cyan printhead
272:00 Warning
Magenta Color Calibration Failure - Magenta Color Calibration cancelled.
Try the following: Clean the electrical contacts on the magenta printhead. If the error code continues, replace the magenta printhead.
273:00 Warning
Yellow Color Calibration Failure - Yellow Color Calibration cancelled.
Try the following: Clean the electrical contacts on the yellow printhead. If the error code continues, replace the yellow printhead.
35:01 Warning/Error Code
No Cleanout Assembly (or Duplexer, if installed) detected while loading media.
Call service engineer
Automatic roll motor shutdown.
If this error code was caused by a paper jam, unplug the power cable from the printer and clear the blockage. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared.
If there is no paper jam or if recovering the paper jam does not resolve the problem, Requires Sevice Engineer.
Automatic roll home position error.
Requires Service Engineer.
Carriage Motor failure (short-circuit).
Requires Service Engineer.
Error during the calibration of the motor encoder system or a problem finding the zero position on the Encoder Disc.
Requires Service Engineer.
Error during the calibration of the Line-feed Motor/Encoder system.
Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared.
If Error Code remains,Requires Sevice Engineer.
Problem detected in the colour sensor system.
Call service engineer
61:05 Warning/Error Code
Language interpreting error. This is usually an error produced while parsing a file.
There is probably an incompatibility between the driver and the firmware.
Warning info indicates:- Firmware Upgrade or Colour Calibration was rejected because the file was sent in the wrong format. Upgrade the RIP software or the Designjet System Maintenance Tool. Requires Service Engineer
I/O module error (62 = parallel).
Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared.
If the Error Code reappears, the firmware requires an upgrade. Requires Service Engineer
I/O module error (63 = Network).
Try the following: Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared. If the Error Code reappears, upgrade the firmware.
Requires a Service Engineer.
I/O module error (64 = USB).
Try the following: Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared. If the Error Code reappears, upgrade the firmware.
Requires a Service Engineer.
65:01 Warning
Communication Failure.
Try the following: Unplug the power cable from the printer and check the cable connections (Parallel, USB and Network cables). Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared.
I/O module error (62 = parallel; 63 = Network; 64 = USB = Unknown Port; 65).
Try the following: Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared.
If the Error Code reappears, upgrade the firmware. Call service engineer
Generic Firmware Error (Out of memory).
Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared.
If the Error Code reappears, check for a new Firmware release. Requires a Service Engineer.
71:14 Warning/Error Code
Out-of-memory while trying to process the firmware upgrade file.
Probably this is a firmware bug, because the firmware should free up enough memory to perform the firmware upgrade process correctly. Requires a Service Engineer.
Generic Firmware error.
• Switch the Power OFF from the back of the Printer and disconnect the Power cord. Reconnect the power cord and power ON the Printer.
• Check that the Printer has the latest Firmware version. If not requires a Service Engineer to update the Firmware to the latest version.
74:12 Warning/Error Code
Firmware Upgrade Error (Memory size check failed during firmware upgrade).
Call service engineer to Perform the automatic troubleshooting procedure - If possible, provide the following information which can be found on the information page:– Firmware Release.– Printer Serial Number.
Generic Firmware error.
• Switch the Power OFF from the back of the Printer and disconnect the Power cord. Reconnect the power cord and power ON the Printer.
• Check that the Printer has the latest Firmware version.
If error persists, requires a Service Engineer
Paper-Axis shutdown/ Paper Servo shutdown - usually a paper-jam caused by a blockage of the Paper-axis System.
If this error code was caused by a paper-jam, unplug the power cable from the printer and clear the blockage. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared.
If this error code appeared but was NOT caused by a paper jam - requires a Service Engineer.
Media Advance error.
This error usually appears during the paper-advance calibration - Retry the paper-advance calibration.
83:01:1 Warning
The paper is rejected from the Bypass due to skew.
When manually loading paper from the front of the paper, make sure that it is loaded straight.
(Only applicable to HP DesignJet 30, 30n, 70, 100+, 110+, 90,90r, 120, 120nr, 130, 130nr)
83:01:3 Warning
The paper is rejected from the roll due to skew.
When loading paper from the roll, make sure that it is loaded straight.
(Only applicable to HP DesignJet 70/100plus/110plus)
Sheet feeding failure.
Call service engineer
Paper-Axis Encoder error. The Drive Roller Encoder Sensor cannot find the zero position of the Encoder Disk.
Requires Service Engineer
Scan-axis shutdown/Carriage Servo shutdown - caused by problem moving the carriage, most likely due to a paper jam.
Try the following:
- Switch the Power OFF from the back of the Printer and disconnect the Power cord.
- Open the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the carriage. If there is a wrinkled mass of media inside the paper path, lift the Pinch wheels (using the Media Lever) and clear the obstruction.
- Reconnect the power cord and power ON the Printer.
If problem persists - Requires Service Engineer
Scan-axis shutdown during initialization. Typically, this error occurs when the printer detects an incorrect length.
- Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds.
- Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared.
- Check that the Carriage moves freely and DOES NOT bump into the Service Station.
- If the Printheads are not installed, maybe the carriage cover is not closed completely.
If the Error Code continues, Requires a Service Engineer
94:04 Warning
Firmware Error (during color calibration).
Try the following: Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and check if the Error Code has disappeared. If the Error Code reappears, check for a new Firmware release - Call Service Engineer if required
94:08 Warning
Color Calibration Warning - Color Calibration not cancelled but Color Calibration values are likely to be incorrect.
Try the Color Calibration again, but this time using a different type of media (preferably HP media).
94:10 Warning
Color Calibration Failure - Color Calibration cancelled.
Try the following: Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and try the Color Calibration again. If this error code appears again, check the Color Calibration print:– If the Color Calibration was printed correctly without any print defects, then check that the media is moving freely (backwards and forwards) while the printer is scanning it.– If the Color Calibration was printed incorrectly,with some print defects replace the faulty Printhead of the color where the defects were noticeable. If the Error Code continues, call service engineer
95:00 Warning
Printhead Alignment Failure - Printhead Alignment cancelled.
Try the following: Clean the printhead indicated by the printer. If the error code continues, replace the faulty printhead.
95:02 Warning
Printhead Alignment Failure - Printhead Alignment cancelled.
Try the following: Unplug the power cable from the printer and wait a few seconds. Plug in the power cable again and try the Printhead Alignment again. If this error code appears again, check the Printhead Alignment print:– If the Printhead Alignment was printed correctly without any print defects, then check that the media is moving freely (backwards and forwards) while the printer is scanning it. – If the Printhead Alignment was printed incorrectly, with some print defects, replace the faulty Printhead of the color where the defects were noticeable.
95:04 Warning
Firmware Error (during Printhead Alignment)
Upgrade the printer to the latest firmware release. - Call service engineer