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Ving Economical Automatic Aluminum Letter Bender Machine

Original price $6,369.00 - Original price $6,369.00
Original price
$6,369.00 - $6,369.00
Current price $6,369.00
Light Weight Automatic Channel Letter Fabrication Bender Machine for Aluminum Materials

Sign making equipment channel letter bender, Auto feed, Auto Slot (Cut), Auto Bend, Single-Side Cutting
This Sign making channel letter fabrication bender machine is used for making fabrication channel sign letters. It can slot and bend aluminum tape (flat coil without folded edge), aluminum Strips, and aluminum return coil, etc.


• Fast bending speed. Relative to the other metal bending machines adopt pat way to bend, this machine adopts rolling bending way; its finished work piece looks more smooth, beautiful, and without any trace.
• Independent research and development software, which has independence knowledge property, and you can enjoy free software upgrades and technical services for life.
• High bending precision, it can make Endless letters, which are highest precision three - Dimensional Letters on the market. 
• With many domestic invention patent.
• Through the PCT property rights protection, has applied for the patent in the European Union CE certificate.
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