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Upgraded Ving 63" Full-auto Low Temp. Wide Format Cold Laminator, with Heat Assisted

Original price $3,199.99 - Original price $3,199.99
Original price
$3,199.99 - $3,199.99
Current price $3,199.99


WA series designed for wide format laminating or mounting application use. Entry level Full-auto roll to roll model with metal sheet construction.

Used for:
This new model cold laminator can be widely used for pre - masking vinyl graphic, mount prints on substrate, over laminating inkjet prints and so on.
Lamination gives your materials a finished, professional look of quality that can really drive business. By giving your materials a higher quality look, in gloss, satin or matte finish, lamination services will improve your business image and help bring in more sales leads. Interested in adding lamination services to your business plan? Look no further! The laminator is here.

Adopts low temperature cold laminating, mainly used to solve the issue that cold laminated images are hazy. Driven by electric, including floor stand and foot pedal switch.

One side hand crank lift up system
Drop in type interchangeable 3” aluminum shaft
Button type control panel
Variable speed control
Forward and reverse direction control
E-stop and photocell installed for safety
Both auto and foot pedal switch mode
Removable pressure plate
Stand assembled at customer site
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