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Summa S120 T Series Vinyl Cutter - Refurbished + (1 Year Warranty)

Original price $3,999.99 - Original price $3,999.99
Original price
$3,999.99 - $3,999.99
Current price $3,999.99

Genuine tangential cutters that provide unsurpassed cut quality

When it comes to cut quality, nothing compares to genuine tangential cutting. With advanced computer-controlled blade rotation and up to 600 grams of cutting force, Summa S Class T Series cutters simply cut better and deeper than any other cutter in their class. Graphics weed easier. Thick materials cut like butter. Intricate designs are cut flawlessly. Thanks to its genuine tangential cutting head, Summa S Class T Series has the cutting precision of a flatbed while giving you the ease and high-speed of a roll-fed cutter.

By combining the world’s most advanced cutting technology with legendary Summa tracking, the Summa S Class T Series family of cutters are truly in a league of their own. Yet as advanced as T Series cutters are, they are also remarkably easy-to-use. All Summa S Class cutters are adorned with a touch-sensitive LCD control panel that makes navigating context-sensitive menus a breeze.

Like the Summa S Class D Series, T Series cutters offer the same precision, durability, and features that are the hallmark of every Summa S Class cutter. When paired with a computer-controlled blade rotation, Summa S Class T Series sets the standard by which all other cutters are measured.

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