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Trailing Cable for the HP DesignJet T610, T1100, Z2100, Z3100 44" Plotters (Q6659-60177) - New

Original price $161.00 - Original price $161.00
Original price
$161.00 - $161.00
Current price $161.00

* Q6659-67015 (was Q6669-60177) *


Carriage assembly trailing cable - Includes the trailing cable assembly for 44-inch plotters.

White ribbon cables that connect the carriage to the electronics. It runs the length of the plotter and moves with the carriage. This cable is for the 44" print width plotter. This is a new HP replacement part. Cables damaged during installation are not returnable.

System errors related to the trailing cable:

  • Error 02.1:YZ (primary cause: faulty carriage PCA)
  • Error 11:11


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