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BUNDLE - HP Latex 315 54" Printer - Refurbished (90 Days Warranty) + 64" Graphtec FC8000-160 Vinyl Cutting Plotter - Refurbished (90 Days Warranty)

Original price $8,648.00 - Original price $8,648.00
Original price
$8,648.00 - $8,648.00
Current price $8,648.00


ON SALE - $250 OFF on HP Latex 315 Printer

* Refurbished printers doesn't come with starter supplies, those are sold separately

This bundle includes:

  • HP Latex 315 54" Printer - Refurbished (90 Days Warranty)
  • 64" Graphtec FC8000-160 Vinyl Cutting Plotter - Refurbished (90 Days Warranty)
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