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Please email whenever possible to make the process quicker and easier for everyone.

3-inch Spindle HUBs SERV for the HP Latex 360, 370, 330, 310, 110 Series (B4H70-67124) - New

Original price $201.37 - Original price $290.77
Original price
$201.37 - $290.77
Current price $201.37

Compatible with: HP Latex 110, 115, 310, 315, 330, 335, 360, 365, 370, 375 Printers

Note: Ordering this part, you can also have the service manual and/or Lubrication oil + Lubrication felts kit. Choose between the following options:

  • Part (Only)

  • Part + Service Manual

  • Part + Lubrication oil + Lubrication felts kit

  • Part + Service Manual  + Lubrication oil + Lubrication felts kit

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