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Mimaki Carbide Blade 30° Cutting Angle for Hard Materials (3 pcs) - SPB-0045 (Generic)

Original price $67.87 - Original price $67.87
Original price
$67.87 - $67.87
Current price $67.87


This generic set of 3 blades is suitable for Mimaki CF / CF2 Series and CFR-1220 / CFS-1313 cutting plotters. These blades have a cutting angle of 30°. These blades are suitable for relatively hard materials up to 5 mm thickness. This is a high quality product that corresponds to Mimaki part number SPB-0045.

Printer compatibility

Mimaki CF-0912
Mimaki CF-120
Mimaki CF-1215
Mimaki CF-1218
Mimaki CF-150
Mimaki CF-60
Mimaki CF2-0907
Mimaki CF2-0912
Mimaki CF2-1215
Mimaki CF2-1218
Mimaki CFR-1220
Mimaki CFS-1313

Products specifications

Cutting Angle 30 degrees
Type Blades
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