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REV D Formatter & Hard Disk Drive for the HP Designjet Z2100 Printer (Q6677-67016) - Upgraded

Original price $374.00 - Original price $374.00
Original price
$374.00 - $374.00
Current price $374.00

$50 Paid For Your Defective Formatter
Final Price $325 - Prepaid Return Shipping


This item is the formatter board and hard disk drive for all variants of the Designjet Z2100 REV D plotter (including PostScript). It is the replacement formatter board for 24" and 44" Designjet plotters. The HDD has Virgin Software, never installed on a plotter - blank ID, ready to install. The formatter works with the PostScript and RTL types of the Designjet Z2100 REV D plotter.

The formatter is upgraded with a new 360 GB hard disk drive for plenty of image storage and speed.

Please note that previously installed formatters will not work if moved to another Designjet Z2100 REV D. The formatter and HDD take on the identity and password from the plotter on which they are first installed and will not work on another Designjet Z2100 REV D. The LPS HDD has fresh firmware installed and has not yet taken on an ID or password.


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  • HP DesignJet Z2100 24-In Photo Printer
  • HP DesignJet Z2100 24-in Photo Printer
  • HP DesignJet Z2100 44-IN Photo Printer
  • HP DesignJet Z2100 44-In Photo Printer
  • HP DesignJet Z2100 44-in Photo Printer