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Error Codes - Designjet Z6200 42" (A0) Photo Printer (CQ109A)

*Enjoy the fastest, most heavy duty 42" top quality Graphic Arts printer*

Matte Black/Red Printhead in slot 8 nearing the end of its useful life.
 This printhead may have reached a degradation level that prevents the printer from producing acceptable prints consistently. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, run the Clean (Recover) Printhead procedure.NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 01.0:10

Main PCA hardware failure.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

Call service engineer if error code recurs.

N.B.Some of the Error Codes are continuable, which means you can press OK on the front-panel and continue working with the printer.

SE 01.1:10

PrintMech PCA hardware failure.  
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer if error code recurs

SE 01.2:10

ISS Top PCA communication failure. 
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer if system error recurs

SE 01.3:10

ISS Bottom PCA communication failure

Try the following: Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer. - Requires Service Engineer if error code recurs

SE 02.1:10

Carriage PCA communication failure.  
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Check that the Trailing Cable is not damaged.
Requires a Service Engineer if system error recurs

SE 03:10

Power distribution failure.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer. 

SE 05.1:10

Formatter CPU fan stopped or burnt.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● If the system error persists requires a Service Engineer 

SE 05:10

Formatter communication failure with ISS.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 06:03

Main NVM communication failure.
Solution: Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● If the System Error continues may require a Service Engineer 

SE 06:10

Main NVM communication failure
Solution: Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● If the System Error continues May require a Service Engineer 

SE 08:11

Front Panel communication failure.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
May require a Service Engineer if error code recurs

SE 11:10

Trailing Cable does not seem to be connected.
Try the following:
● Check that the Trailing Cable is not damaged. May require a Service Engineer if error code recurs

SE 17.0:11

PrintMech to Interconnect Power cable does not seem to be connected.
Requires a Service Engineer

SE 17.1:11

PrintMech to Interconnect Data 1 cable does not seem to be connected
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 17.2:11

PrintMech to Interconnect Data 2 cable does not seem to be connected. 
May require a Service Engineer

SE 17.3:11

Main PCA to PrintMech Black 1 cable does not seem to be connected.
May require a Service Engineer 

SE 17.4:11

Main PCA to PrintMech Blue 2 cable does not seem to be connected.
May require a Service Engineer

SE 21:03

Service Station electrical current limit.
Solution: Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Make sure that the Service Station path is clear. Remove any visible obstacles (such as foam from the printer’s packaging, screws and plastic parts) restricting the movement of the Service Station.
● If the System Error continues requires a Service Engineer

SE 21:13

Service Station jam. 
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Make sure that the Service Station path is clear. Remove any visible obstacles (such as foam from the printer’s packaging, screws and plastic parts) restricting the movement of the Service Station.
● If the System Error continues  requires a Service Engineer 

SE 23:10

Air Pressurization System failure; unable to pressurize or depressurize tubes.
Solution: ● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
 May require a Service Engineer 

SE 24.1:11

ISS Top to ISS Bottom cable does not seem to be connected
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 24:03

Ink Supply Tubes purge failure.

● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Ensure that the dummy printheads are correctly installed and purge the Ink Supply Tubes again.
● If the problem persists requires a Service Engineer

SE 24:10

A broken bag has been detected in one of the Ink Cartridges.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 24:11

PrintMech to ISS Top cable does not seem to be connected.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 26.0:01

Bad contact detected in ISS slot 0 floater.
Try the following:
● Remove the Magenta Ink Cartridge and reinstall it into the printer.
● Replace the Magenta Ink Cartridge ensuring it is correctly reseated.

Requires a Service Engineer if system error recurs.

SE 26.1:01

Bad contact detected in ISS slot 1 floater.
Try the following:
● Remove the Light Magenta Ink Cartridge and reinstall it into the printer.
● Replace the Light Magenta Ink Cartridge ensuring it is correctly reseated.

Requires a Service Engineer if system error recurs.

SE 26.2:01

Bad contact detected in ISS slot 2 floater
Solution: ● Remove the Photo Black Ink Cartridge and reinstall it into the printer.
● Replace the Photo Black Ink Cartridge.

May require a Service Engineer if system error recurs.

SE 26.3:01

Bad contact detected in ISS slot 3 floater.
Try the following:
● Remove the Matte Black Ink Cartridge and reinstall it into the printer.
● Replace the Matte Black Ink Cartridge ensuring it is correctly reseated.

May require a Service Engineer if system error recurs.

SE 26.4:01

Bad contact detected in ISS slot 4 floater.
Try the following:
● Remove the Yellow Ink Cartridge and reinstall it into the printer.
● Replace the Yellow Ink Cartridge ensuring it is correctly reseated .

Requires a Service Engineer if system error recurs

SE 26.5:01

Bad contact detected in ISS slot 5 floater.
 Try the following:
● Remove the Light Cyan Ink Cartridge and reinstall it into the printer.
● Replace the Light Cyan Ink Cartridge ensuring it is correctly reseated

May require a Service Engineer if problem not resolved..

SE 26.6:01

Bad contact detected in ISS slot 6 floater.
Try the following:
● Remove the Light Grey Ink Cartridge and reinstall it into the printer.
● Replace the Light Grey Ink Cartridge ensuring it is correctly reseated.

May require a Service Engineer if problem not resolved..

SE 26.7:01

Bad contact detected in ISS slot 7 floater.
Try the following:
● Remove the Red Ink Cartridge and reinstall it into the printer ensuring it is correctly reseated.

May require a Service Engineer if error not resolved.

SE 27.1:01

Calibration failed to due to poor performance of the Magenta/Yellow Printhead in slot 1.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, clean all printheads and check their status.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 27.2:01

Calibration failed to due to poor performance of the Magenta/Yellow Printhead in slot 2
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, clean all printheads and check their status.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 27.3:01

Calibration failed to due to poor performance of the Light Cyan/Light Magenta Printhead slot 3.
This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, clean all printheads and check their status.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 27.4:01

Calibration failed to due to poor performance of the Light Cyan/Light Magenta Printhead in slot 4.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, clean all printheads and check their status.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 27.5:01

Calibration failed to due to poor performance of the Photo Black/Light Gray Printhead in slot 5.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, clean all printheads and check their status.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 27.6:01

Calibration failed to due to poor performance of the Photo Black/Light Gray Printhead in slot 6.
This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, clean all printheads and check their status.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 27.7:01

Calibration failed to due to poor performance of the Matte Black/Red Printhead in slot 7.
This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, clean all printheads and check their status.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 27.8:01

Calibration failed to due to poor performance of the Matte Black/Red Printhead in slot 8.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, clean all printheads and check their status.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.1:01

Magenta/Yellow Printhead in slot 1 is deteriorating.
This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, replace that printhead with a new one.
NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.1:02

Magenta/Yellow Printhead in slot 1 nearing the end of its useful life
This printhead may have reached a degradation level that prevents the printer from producing acceptable prints consistently. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, run the Clean (Recover) Printhead procedure.NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.2:01

Magenta/Yellow Printhead in slot 2 is deteriorating.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, replace that printhead with a new one.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.2:02

Magenta/Yellow Printhead in slot 2 nearing the end of its useful life
This printhead may have reached a degradation level that prevents the printer from producing acceptable prints consistently. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, run the Clean (Recover) Printhead procedure.NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty. 
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.3:01

Light Cyan/Light Magenta Printhead in slot 3 is deteriorating.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, replace that printhead with a new one.
NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.3:02

Light Cyan/Light Magenta Printhead in slot 3 nearing the end of its useful life.
This printhead may have reached a degradation level that prevents the printer from producing acceptable prints consistently. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, run the Clean (Recover) Printhead procedure. NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.4:01

Light Cyan/Light Magenta Printhead in slot 4 is deteriorating.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, replace that printhead with a new one.
NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.4:02

Light Cyan/Light Magenta Printhead in slot 4 nearing the end of its useful life.
Solution: This printhead may have reached a degradation level that prevents the printer from producing acceptable prints consistently. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, run the Clean (Recover) Printhead procedure.
NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.5:01

Photo Black/Light Gray Printhead in slot 5 is deteriorating.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, replace that printhead with a new one.
NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.5:02

Photo Black/Light Gray Printhead in slot 5 nearing the end of its useful life
Solution: This printhead may have reached a degradation level that prevents the printer from producing acceptable prints consistently. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, run the Clean (Recover) Printhead procedure.
NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.6:01

Photo Black/Light Gray Printhead in slot 6 is deteriorating.
This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, replace that printhead with a new one.
NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.6:02

Photo Black/Light Gray Printhead in slot 6 nearing the end of its useful life.
Solution: This printhead may have reached a degradation level that prevents the printer from producing acceptable prints consistently. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, run the Clean (Recover) Printhead procedure. NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty. 
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.7:01

Matte Black/Red Printhead in slot 7 is deteriorating.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, replace that printhead with a new one.
NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.7:02

Matte Black/Red Printhead in slot 7 nearing the end of its useful life.
This printhead may have reached a degradation level that prevents the printer from producing acceptable prints consistently. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, run the Clean (Recover) Printhead procedure. NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 28.8:01

Matte Black/Red Printhead in slot 8 is deteriorating.
Solution: This may impact your print quality. If it becomes unacceptable in the future, replace that printhead with a new one.
NOTE: This system error appears only after the printhead is out of warranty.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 29:00

Maintenance Cartridge almost full.
Requires Servcice engineer..

SE 29:01

Maintenance Cartridge not inserted correctly.
Try the following:
● Open the Maintenance Cartridge door on the right-hand side of the printer, make sure that the maintenance cartridge is correctly seated, then close the door.
● If the problem persists need to call service engineer 

SE 29:02

Ink Absorber almost full.
Requires service engineer to replace the Ink Absorber.

SE 32:01

Take-up Reel (TUR) communication failure.

May require a Service Engineer.

SE 32:01.1

Take-up Reel (TUR) early paper jam.
Try the following:
● Check there is no obstacle between the Take-up reel optical sensors.● Check the paper is attached to the TUR spindle.
● Check the TUR switch is in the correct position.● If needed, use the TUR arrow keys to wind paper before resume printing.● To resume printing, press OK.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 32:01.2

Take-up Reel (TUR) paper jam.
Try the following:
● Check that there is no interference around the TUR optical sensors.● Check the paper is attached to the TUR spindle.
● Check the TUR switch is in the correct position.● Check there is no obstacle between the TUR optical sensors.
● If required, use the TUR arrow keys to wind paper before resuming the print.● When the jam is cleared, printing is resumed. Press the OK key to clear the warning message.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 32:01.9

Take-up Reel (TUR) disabled because paper was removed unexpectedly.
Remove all paper from the printer and reinstall the TUR.
Requires a Service Engineer.

SE 32:02

Take-up Reel (TUR) not detected or disconnected while printer was off.
Contact a Service Engineer.

SE 36.01:01

Duplexer paper skew error.
Try the following:
● Unload the paper and try again.
● If the problem persists, uninstall and reinstall the Duplexer. Make sure that the printer and the Duplexer paper path are well aligned and that there are no obstacles in between.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 36.02:01

Duplexer paper incorrect lateral edge position.
Try the following:
● Unload the paper and try again.
● If the problem persists, uninstall and reinstall the Duplexer. Make sure that the printer and the Duplexer paper path are well aligned and that there are no obstacles in between.

Contact service engineer for further advice

SE 36.03:01

Duplexer unable to detect paper.
Try the following:
● Unload the paper and try again.
● If the problem persists, uninstall and reinstall the Duplexer. Make sure that the printer and the Duplexer paper path are well aligned and that there are no obstacles in between.

SE 36.0:01

Duplexer communication error
Try the following:
● Reseat the cables between the Duplexer and the printer.
● Uninstall and reinstall the Duplexer.
If the problem persists, contact the Service Engineer.

SE 36.1:01

Duplexer not ready for printing.
The Duplexer was in the down position when the job was submitted. It must be in the up positionbefore printing starts.

SE 36.2:01

Duplexer internal error.

Contact the Service Engineer.

SE 41:03

Paper motor electrical current limit.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Open the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Drive Roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of paper inside the paper path, lift the Pinchwheels (using the Media Lever) and clear the obstruction. If problem persists requires a Service Engineer 

SE 42:03

Scan-Axis motor electrical current limit.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Open the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Carriage Assembly. If there is a wrinkled mass of paper blocking the Carriage Assembly, then clear the obstruction.
If problem persists  requires a Service Engineer.

SE 43.1:10

Vacuum Driver PCA communication or hardware failure.
Solution: Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
 If the system error persists,requires a Service Engineer  

SE 43:01

Vacuum Fan spinning at wrong speed.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● If the system error persists requires a Service Engineer .

SE 43:10

Vacuum Fan failure.
 Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer if system error code recurs

SE 43:11

Vacuum Fan PCA cable does not seem to be connected.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 44.1:10

Left Aerosol Fan stopped.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 44.2:10

Right Aerosol Fan stopped or spinning at lower speed.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

Requires a Service Engineer  if error code recurs

SE 44.4:10

Right Aerosol Fan Filter blocked.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer if error code recurs

SE 45:03

Rewinder servo shutdown.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Open the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Drive Roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of paper inside the paper path, lift the Pinch Wheels (using the Media Lever) and clear the obstruction.
May require a Service Engineer if error code recurs

SE 46:03

Primer servo shutdown
 Try the following:
● Check that the Primer Arm is not damaged and there are no obstacles in its way.
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer

SE 46:13

Primer test distance failed.

Require a Service Engineer

SE 50.1:10

OMAS Module communication failure.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer. 
Requires a Service Engineer

SE 50.2:10

OMAS Controller Card communication failure.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer  

SE 50.3:11

Main PCA to OMAS Controller cable does not seem to be connected.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 50:03

OMAS fatal error or disconnected.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer

SE 50:14

Firmware version mismatch between the OMAS Controller Card and Hard Disk Drive.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer

SE 51.1:10

Error detected in the Maintenance Cartridge Door Sensor (Service Station Door Sensor).
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 51:10

Error detected in the Window Position Sensor.
Requires a Service Engineer

SE 52:10

Drop Detector switch On/Off failure.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
 Requires a Service Engineer

SE 53.1:11

Media Sensor cable does not seem to be connected.
Requires a Service Engineer

SE 53:10

Media Sensor error.
Requires a Service engineer 

SE 54:10

Media Lever Sensor error.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 55:10

Line Sensor communication failure.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer .

SE 56:01

Incorrect readings from paper encoder.
 Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

Requires a Service Engineer if error code recurs

SE 56:10

Paper Encoder calibration failed.
 Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

If problem persists requires a Service Engineer.

SE 58.1:10

Embedded PhotoSpectrometer (ESP) Shutter Actuator failure.
 Requires a Service Engineer 



SE 58.2:10

Embedded PhotoSpectrometer (ESP) Shutter Deactivator failure.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 58:01

Embedded PhotoSpectrometer (ESP) shutter error
Requires a Service Engineer.

SE 58:10

Embedded PhotoSpectrometer (ESP) failure.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

If problem persists then it Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 59.1:09

Two electrical parts have been replaced at the same time.
Requires a Service Engineer who should replace one part at a time, and restart the printer before replacing another.

SE 59.2:00

An unsupported or reused part has been installed.
Install only new parts recommended by HP for this printer.
Requires a Service Engineer.

SE 60.1:11

Initialization error.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 60.2:17

Initialization error.

Requires a Service Engineer.

SE 61:01

The file format is incorrect and the printer cannot process the job.
Try the following:
● Turn off the printer using the switch at the rear, and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Check the graphic language setting of the printer.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 61:04.1

The PostScript fonts are missing.
Requires a Service Engineer.

SE 61:04.2

PostScript unknown Paper ID.
Requires a Service Engineer.

SE 61:08

The paper type specified in the file is incorrect and the printer cannot process the job.
Try the following:
● Turn off the printer using the switch at the rear, and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Change the paper type and resend the file to the printer.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 61:08.1

The file cannot be printed because it is password-protected.
Resend the file without password protection.


SE 61:08.2

The file contains format errors or incorrect settings and the printer cannot process the job.
Try the following:
● Ensure that the file format sent is supported by the printer.
● Turn off the printer using the switch at the rear, and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Resend the file to the printer using the Embedded Web Server.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 61:10

A slow computer processing complex files can pause for longer than the default printer timeout, which can be interpreted by the printer as an End Of Job, in which case some elements of the job may be lost.
Try the following:
● Increase the I/O timeout using the printer's front panel (see 'Configure network settings' in Using your printer).
● Send the job from a faster computer.
● Send the job from the Embedded Web Server.
May require a Service Engineer.

SE 64.1:01

The printer does not recognize the USB Hard Disk Drive accessory.
Try the following:
● Turn off the printer using the switch at the rear and disconnect the power. Reconnect and switch back on.

 Requires a Service Engineer if problem persists.. 


SE 71:03

Out of memory failure.
Try the following:
● Turn off the printer using the switch at the rear, and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● If the problem persists, resend the job with one or more of the following options:
◦ Decrease resolution to 300 dpi.  Select Economode print mode. Select Send Job As Bitmap, to have the main processing of the print job done by the computer rather than the printer.
May require a Service Engineer.


SE 71:08

Insufficient display list.
Resend the job with one or more of the following options: decrease resolution to 300 dpi, select Economode print mode, select Send Job As Bitmap to have the main processing of the print job done by the computer rather than the printer. If in doubt call service engineer.

SE 74:01

Error uploading firmware update file.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer if error code recurs 

SE 75.21:10

Total printer ink consumption reached upper limit.
This is a continuable system error. You may continue to print normally but may encounter print-quality issues or ink buildups in the Service Station.

To avoid these problems, it’s best to call a Service Engineer 

SE 76:03

Hard Disk Drive out of space
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
● Resend the file to the printer.
● Remove any unnecessary files from the Hard Disk Drive using the Web Server.
● If the problem persists,call a Service Engineer .

SE 77:04

Embedded Web Server internal software error.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Requires a Service Engineer if error code recurs.

SE 78.1:04

Media Settings area missing in media settings file.
Resend the file.

Call service engineer if error code recurs.

SE 79.2:04

Operating-system signal error.
Try the following:
Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
Call service engineer if error code recurs.


SE 79:03

Generic firmware error.
Try the following:
● Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.
 Requires a Service Engineer if the problem persists, 

SE 79:04

Generic firmware error.
Try the following:
 Turn the power off at the rear of the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer.

Requires a Service Engineer if error code recurs.


SE 81:01

Paper servo shutdown; possible paper jam.
Try the following:
● Open the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Drive Roller. If there is a wrinkled mass of paper inside the paper path, lift the Pinchwheels (using the Media Lever) and clear the obstruction. If problem persists requires a Service Engineer 

SE 85:03

Problem finding the Drive Roller zero.

Requires a Service Engineer  

SE 86:01

Carriage servo shutdown; possible paper jam.
Try the following:
● Open the Window and check for any visible obstacles restricting the movement of the Carriage Assembly. If there is a wrinkled mass of paper inside the paper path, lift the Pinchwheels (using the Media Lever) and clear the obstruction.

If problem persists requires a Service Engineer

SE 86:11

Scan-Axis length requires too much force or energy.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 87:01

Problem with the Scan Axis encoder sensor readings.
Requires a Service Engineer 

SE 87:10

Problem with the Carriage Encoder Sensor readings.
Requires a service engineer

SE 94:01

The paper is not suitable for colour calibration, being too dark (low L), or too coloured (a or b above thresholds), or transparent
Try the following:
● If accurate colour is important, change to a different paper type (preferably an HP paper type) that satisfies the conditions for colour calibration..

SE 94:02

Colour calibration error: some of the consistency checks on the Embedded SpectroPhotometer (ESP) measurements failed, which could have several causes.
Try the following:
● Ensure that the paper type selected corresponded to the paper actually loaded.
● Check that colour calibration is supported for this paper type: translucent, plain and heavily colored papers cannot be colour-calibrated.
● If the problem persists, try calibrating an HP coated paper (if available). If this calibration fails Call a Service Engineer 

SE 94:10

Embedded SpectroPhotometer (ESP) contaminated by aerosol.

Requires a Service Engineer